Monday, January 2, 2012

In Houses Lights Are Glowing : Christmas 2011

Christmas this year was super stressful, but so wonderful.

I started a new job a few weeks ago as a barista, and have been working non-stop until today (but have enjoyed it thus far). So, all the hand-crafted, sentimental gifts I planned really took a toll on me. I worried lots and slept little, but thankfully it's all behind me now, and was absolutely worth it.
I'll share the gifts I made later, but for now here is a peek at why my Christmas was so great:

We drank wine & decorated sugar cookies.

I surprised Ben with tickets to see A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve Eve, and my sweet boss Shelley surprised me by buying my ticket for me! We got all fancy and it really helped us to get into the holiday spirit. It was an excellent show. Plus, I finally had an excuse to wear that dress I bought!

The best gift I received this Christmas...

After we arrived home, my loving boyfriend gave me a cd with a song he had written and recorded (with clarinet by our friend, Cheryl). I had no idea he was even recording it, and it sounds beautiful. I'm a complete sucker for sentimental gifts. Many happy tears were shed.

On Christmas Eve...

After work I came home and opened the presents Ben got me...

A polaroid camera! It was a lovely surprise. I'm excited to use all the different kinds of Impossible Project film I got.

I gifted Ben the Neutral Milk Hotel record box set, which is so beautiful.
Also, we got a package with sweaters my grandma knit - what a treat!
On Christmas Day...

We slept at Ben's parent's house, and had a classic Christmas morning. I got even more film and had a wonderful breakfast.

At my mom's house we spent family time with my grandma and got new pillows & socks. Plus, my little brother got a Magic Bullet!

At my dad's we had a delicious Christmas dinner. I finally got the iPhone I've been waiting for, and really nice kitchen stuff! It's nice not having to use my phone from 2004 anymore. 

All of us kids went to see The Adventures of Tintin in 3D. It was really great.

Overall it was a wonderful Christmas filled with smiles, family, and sharing - as it should be.

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