I've always liked Valentine's Day, but it's definitely a tough day if you're single. Instead of being bitter about the holiday, I decided to celebrate this year by being my own date. I had a really great time. I planned it all out earlier in the week, so I was actually looking forward to it!

This is really the first time that I've been single since I was fifteen. I've been in two long-term relationships, and I really enjoy being in a committed relationship. I like having someone who wants to hang out all the time, someone to talk to about anything, and someone to do life with. So, this single life has been strange, but I've actually been enjoying it thus far. It's nice to get to know myself, and figure things out alone, spend a lot of time with great friends, and get a chance to work on that sense of gratitude and self love that was in need of attention. I feel like it's really important to focus on ourselves sometimes. A relationship will suffer if one or both parties are coming into it expecting to be completed by the other. So right now I'm focusing on making myself whole, and I feel really great about being alone. That being said, I decided to go on a solo date with myself!
The day before Valentine's my brothers and I drove to Ithaca to see Jeff Mangum play with The Music Tapes and Tall Firs. I bought the tickets months ago, and gave them to my brothers as Christmas gifts, so the anticipation had been building for a while!
It was more than I could have ever imagined. It was nice just spending quality time with my best friends and having great conversation. Then we got to see Jeff Mangum. He was incredible. I can't even put into words how wonderful it was to see and hear him play. Everyone was singing along and it felt like there was respect and gratitude just hanging in the air of the State Theatre. I was in awe of his talent and courage, and felt so lucky to be given the opportunity to see him. When he played my favorite of his songs, (Two Headed Boy Pt. 2) I was overcome by emotion and spent the rest of the song unsuccessfully holding back tears. So far, I still can't listen to it without tearing up. Seeing Jeff Mangum was probably my favorite concert experience that I've ever had. Since there was no photographing/recording allowed, my brother Josh drew his recollection of him. It's perfect.
On Valentine's Day I did a bunch of my favorite things to treat myself (and all the purchases I made were kept local too - score!). I started off by getting myself sesame chocolate bark and the cutest stuffed dino from Hedonist.
Then I went to take these outfit photos. It was a little frustrating because it was raining and I had to use a tripod, but I powered through, and ended up having a good time with the challenge of self-portraits. I am so happy I got to document this special day.
Next I went to my favorite Rochester restaurant, Open Face, to have my favorite soft brie and pear sandwich, pickled beets, and a hot rose matcha.
After that, I went to my favorite theatre, The Little, to see the live action and animated Oscar nominated shorts. They were really great, as always.
My favorite live action short was Henry, which had me fighting back tears, and my favorite animated short was Paperman, which made me smile the whole way through. It's actually nice to go to the movies alone. I think I'll make it a more regular thing.
This Valentine's Day was really wonderful. I'm glad I chose to celebrate rather than be cynical.
Skirt: Forever 21
Top: H&M
Tights: Target
Shoes: Vintage, thrifted
Bow: Belle and Whistle
Coat: H&M
Umbrella: Thrifted
Stuffed Dino: Charging Hearts